Plugin issues building from source (KDevelop 4.2.3)

Morten Volden mvolden2 at
Wed Mar 28 20:30:45 BST 2012

2012/3/7 Peter M. Clausen <petermichaelclausen at>

> Then it took a while again to make the perforce-plugin work; I had to add
> the env-variable P4CONFIG=$HOME/p4config.txt
> The file has the content:
> P4PASSWD=my_pass
> P4BASE=my_base
> P4CLIENT=my_client
> P4USER=my_user
> P4PORT=my_port


First of all, thanks for your input.

The reason it did not work out of the box for you is because you did not
place p4config.txt in the perforce workspace root.

Which, from what I gather from the their web site, is the standard (if you
will) way to do it:

That being said, I think it would be nice if we could make the plugin a bit
more helpful. One way of doing that could for example be for the plugin to
require that the P4CONFIG

I seem to remember

> I have not got time to fix the documentation myself - I hope this mail can
> be used by others in same situation.
> Now Kdevelop is up and running with Perforce, and I'm a very happy man...
> Keep up the good work everyone!
> Best regards
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