KDevelop Mega Poll (WAS: Qt Designer plugin)

Morten Volden mvolden2 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 22 20:06:09 BST 2011

It does all those things - At least on my machine.

Please post what you did to configure it.


2011/10/18 Daniel Gore <dgore at digideal.com>

> **
> I will provide my answers to the poll here:
> 1.
>    1.1  A perforce plugin that actually compiles and builds and works
>    1.2  n/a
>    1.3  n/a
> 2.  n/a
> 3.
>    3.1 Crashing when changing sessions
>    3.2 Loss of editor focus while moving among open files
>    3.3 Greater control of text coloring
> 4. n/a
> Thanks for asking!
> Daniel Gore
> Senior S/W Engineer
> DigiDeal Corp.
> On 10/18/2011 12:36 PM, Valentyn Pavliuchenko wrote:
> I'd suggest you to add the following questions to the poll:
> 1. Please write top 3 new features you'd like to see in KDevelop.
> 2. Please write top 5 enhancements to existing features you'd like to see
> in KDevelop.
> 3. Please write top 5 of the bugs you what to be fixed in KDevelop (aka
> "most hated bugs").
> 4. What future development direction you'd suggest for KDevelop? What areas
> should receive more attention?
> --
> Best regards,
> Valentyn Pavliuchenko
> 2011/10/18 Mark Knecht <markknecht at gmail.com>
>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:45 AM, David Narvaez
>> <david.narvaez at computer.org> wrote:
>> > On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Milian Wolff <mail at milianw.de> wrote:
>> >> I'm with Andreas, this would be very interesting in setting priorities.
>> >>
>> >> Generally - at least for me - it's not that I have nothing to do in
>> KDevelop -
>> >> quite the contrary. It's just the question if what I think is important
>> is
>> >> actually important to others...
>> >
>> > Exactly, I really meant doing a poll to see what are the most common
>> > pain points and see which of them are related to wish requests in the
>> > bug tracking system, etc. There's obviously no need to fill yet
>> > another work queue.
>> >
>>  Is there any interest in those aspiring to program and the
>> interests/problems we have vs what I suspect are mostly a group of
>> folks that are already very accomplished programmers?
>> I joined this list about a year ago. My interests tend to be very much
>> orthogonal to most of what gets done with the tools today and I have
>> made very little progress to date, mostly because it (programming and
>> to a great extent the tools) isn't easy. :-)
>> - Mark
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- When the split is pulled, mr. Grenade is no longer our friend
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