SegFault with Kdevelop

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Jun 8 16:51:07 BST 2009

On 08.06.09 10:14:47, Michael.Schmidt at wrote:
> Hello,
> I am able to debug my application with kdevelop 3.5.4-1 on OpenSuse
> 10.3.
> I'm having a problem debugging my application with kdevelop 3.5.4-1 on
> OpenSuse 11.1.  The application runs without any problems, but when I
> debug it, the app seg faults.  The frame stack points at my code, but I
> don't see anything wrong with the code.  If the app seg faults, it
> should print out a stack trace, but I don't see one.

Applications usually don't print out a stacktrace, in fact that only
happens when you have your own signal handler installed that does this. 

That said, the difference of systems (but same kdevelop) suggests that
there's something different between the two suse installations that
triggers a bug in your code.


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