How to

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Aug 10 21:31:05 BST 2009

On 07.08.09 18:59:19, Gaël de Chalendar wrote:
> Le vendredi 07 août 2009 18:45:40, Leon Pollak a écrit :
> > Thank you, Andreas.
> >
> > On Friday August 7 2009, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > > > Something to read about how to add files to a project
> > >
> > > Edit your buildsystem files (CMakeLists.txt, etc.)
> >
> > Is it the planned way of making changes to the project, or just the first
> > version problems?
> >
> > > >, how to run debugger (pressed F9 - nothing
> > > > happens), etc.
> > >
> > > In svn the action is disabled until you have setup a launch configuration
> > > under Run->Launch Configurations.
> >
> > OK, thanks.
> > After a lot of (about 10) crashes was able to run the hello-world...:-)
> > Still, no stepping after BP...
> >
> > The overall impression is that for simple C++ programming the kdev4 is
> > still far from kdev3, although there is a great potential in the future. Is
> > it correct or am I simply too superficial?
> Here, we use it on a daily basis, mainly for editing and building. Testing and 
> debuging are done using the command line.
> We have projects of some 10k lines and the code completion and navigation 
> features are really great.
> Furthermore, as soon as the project structure is globaly stabilized, 
> CMakeLists.txt are simple enough to edit manualy. The lack of automaticity is 
> thus not a great problem.

I'd like to add a note here: I've created a new plugin on the weekend
and was actually surprised that we already have "Create Folder" and
"Create File" that properly integrate the newly created folders and
files into the buildsystem including review of the changes. IIRC Aleix
did this some time ago, but somehow I never really noticed how good this
works. Same goes for create-class which will suggest to add the new file
to the currently selected folders CMakeLists.txt.

Whats "missing" is things like handling external libs, but thats IMHO
better handled with an editor+code-completion (for things like
find-package files and variables from those files) as a GUI will always
manage to somehow screw up your properly designed cmake file. (Been
there, done that)


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