How to

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Aug 8 07:38:29 BST 2009

On 07.08.09 19:45:40, Leon Pollak wrote:
> On Friday August 7 2009, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > > Something to read about how to add files to a project
> >
> > Edit your buildsystem files (CMakeLists.txt, etc.)
> Is it the planned way of making changes to the project, or just the first 
> version problems?

There's also already GUI options in the project treeview's context menu,
however I haven't tried any of that. The plan however is that those would
try to add the files in the right place, but will present you with the
changes being done before applying them so you can adjust. So editing your
CMakeLists.txt file (or whatever you're using) is a completely valid way of
making changes. The GUI options will only work for simple project setups.
> > >, how to run debugger (pressed F9 - nothing
> > > happens), etc.
> >
> > In svn the action is disabled until you have setup a launch configuration
> > under Run->Launch Configurations.
> OK, thanks.
> After a lot of (about 10) crashes was able to run the hello-world...:-) Still, 
> no stepping after BP...

Did you make sure you're compiling in debug mode? For cmake projects you
can see the actual flags by using make VERBOSE=1.

> The overall impression is that for simple C++ programming the kdev4 is still 
> far from kdev3, although there is a great potential in the future. Is it 
> correct or am I simply too superficial?

KDev4 will never be as KDev3 :) I personally find it very useful, but if
you have no clue about how things work there are indeed quite some rough
edges (like a missing pre-setup launch config, automatically suggesting
debug-builds when running cmake and some more things). We're aware of that
and are focussing on fixing exactly these things currently.


You have taken yourself too seriously.

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