make sometimes fails

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Aug 10 21:28:04 BST 2009

On 04.08.09 16:25:05, Yavuz Mert wrote:
> I am also using KDevelop 3.9.94 from openSuse packages and from the error you 
> wrote it seems like you try to build while a c/cpp file is selected in project 
> toolview.
> That is a stange behaviour as F8 or build is supposed to build the entire 
> project, no matter what is selected in project pane.

No its actually not, if you look closely at the action, it says just
"Build", not "Build Project". It'll build whatever is selected in the
project tree or the buildset (if its non-empty)

> "compile file" or similar 
> may be used for the current behaviour. I think this behaviour will change 
> before the stable release. 

No it won't. 

> So, for the time being just select the root of the project tree in project 
> toolview before build.

Or use the buildset if the item to build seldomly changes.


Today's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why.
		-- Hunter S. Thompson

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