Comments/Questions re Launch Configurations

Lindsay Mathieson lindsay.mathieson at
Wed Aug 5 02:02:33 BST 2009

On Tue, 4 Aug 2009 09:10:45 +0200, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
> On 04.08.09 14:47:35, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
>> - When projects are generated from a template why are there no default
>> Launch Configurations for actually running them? Release and Debug ones
>> would be really useful.
> On the todo list.

Cool, thanks.

>> Configure Launches
>> - The indent on the tree heirachy is tiny, it took me a while to
>> notice there was a tree, so I kept configuring launches under the root
>> and
>> wondering why I could configure launches on a per project basis.
> If the indentation is larger you'll see even less from the whole tree.

On my std (19") monitor there's ample room, but the indent is only 3 or 4
pixels, unless your eyes are in perfect shape its very hard to see. I'm
sure it could increased to even 12 pixels :) without cramping the text

>> - The "Project Target" entry - I have no idea what to put in there,
>> nothing
>> seems to work.
> A path from the project model. A "file-dialog"-like browsing mechanism
> is on our todo list.

I still don't understand what's meant to go there - I noticed there's a
auto complete drop down that allows me to pick files from the relative
directory hierarchy, but it excludes the build directory and nothing I
choose seems to actually allow for starting of anything.

Thanks - Lindsay
Lindsay Mathieson

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