Using subversion in a project

Marcelo Magno T. Sales mmtsales at
Sun Feb 18 02:04:14 GMT 2007


I'm having difficulties to setup KDevelop 3.4.0 to use Subversion to 
control versions of a project. I'm running it on Fedora Core 6, with 
kde-redhat pre-compiled packages.
I have a svn repository on-line and working ok. It's on my own machine 
and I tested it with the svn client tool. 
I started a new KDevelop project and selected subversion in the 
version control system dialog of the new project wizard. Then two 
options are presented: "Do not do anything" and "Create a project 
tree and import new project into trunk".
If I choose the second option and fill in the svn repo URL (using the 
svn:// protocol), the project is not created when the wizard is 
finished and no error messages are shown.
If I choose the first option, the project is created normally. 
However, I can't find a way to setup the svn repository after the 
project is created. Where do I inform the repo URL and the login 
The "subversion" context menu appears when I right-click a file or 
directory in file tree, file list or file selector tabs, but if I try 
to use any of its options, I get the following error:
"It was not possible to start the process. It was not possible to 
create the io-slave: klauncher said: unknown protocol 'svn+http'."
KDevelop does not ask me for the repo URL.
I've read the FAQ and the thread it points to at the forum, but they 
were not helpfull...

How do I setup KDevelop to work with Subversion?



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