Source Formatter : Linux style with TAB indenting

Dizzy dizzy at
Sat Jul 8 12:16:21 BST 2006

On Sunday 02 July 2006 19:43, Dizzy wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to get kdevelop to reformat my code using the source
> formatter feature with a style which is completely identical to the
> built-in "Linux" style except to use TABs for indentation (instead of
> 8 spaces which I find it rather... "strange" as a default choice for
> an indentation style).

Oki I solved this easily. It seems I have not played enough with all the 
options of the "user defined" style. After looking into the kdevelop sources 
I found the options I needed to have to emulate a linux style with tabs.

Mihai RUSU					Email: dizzy at
			"Linux is obsolete" -- AST

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