New version problems

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Jun 5 14:32:34 BST 2005

On 05.Jun 2005 - 15:29:46, leonp at wrote:
> On Sunday, 5 בJune 2005 13:29, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 05.Jun 2005 - 11:33:28, leonp at wrote:
> > > Hello, all.
> > > 	I managed to install the 3.2.1 version and to keep the previous one.
> >
> > So, the old kdevelop is not in the path, not in KDEDIRS and is not
> > installed under KDEDIR (i.e. no binary package install)?
> Sorry, I am zero in the KDE development. I am embedded programmer and use 
> KDevelop as a pure IDE (which is the greatest IDE I found, including Eclipse, 
> GPS, Anuta, CodeCrusader, etc.).
> What I did is as you said:
> export KDEDIRS=/usr/local/:$KDEDIRS

If you set KDEDIRS yourself you need to include KDEDIR too (which should
point to the Directory that kde-config --prefix reports).

> kbuildsycoca
> /usr/local/bin/kdevelop

Ok, and the other kdevelop was a Distribution supplied one right? That
could be the problem, because it resides in $KDEDIR and thus the
self-installed kdevelop and the system-installed interfere. You have to
deinstall the system version if you want to use the self compiled...

I had similar problems when switching from Debian-supplied kdevelop3 to
self compiled. At the end I deinstalled kdevelop3 completely and am
happy with it..


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