New version problems

leonp at leonp at
Sun Jun 5 16:51:00 BST 2005

On Sunday, 5 בJune 2005 16:32, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > export KDEDIRS=/usr/local/:$KDEDIRS
> If you set KDEDIRS yourself you need to include KDEDIR too (which should
> point to the Directory that kde-config --prefix reports).
Done. KDevelop crashed on startup...:-)

> Ok, and the other kdevelop was a Distribution supplied one right? That
> could be the problem, because it resides in $KDEDIR and thus the
> self-installed kdevelop and the system-installed interfere. You have to
> deinstall the system version if you want to use the self compiled...
Hmm... Not good.
If there is no way to have two versions, how one can test the new one and 
switch back to the stable in the case of troubles? 
This is exactly I am afraid of...:-(

> I had similar problems when switching from Debian-supplied kdevelop3 to
> self compiled. At the end I deinstalled kdevelop3 completely and am
> happy with it..
Can someone promice that I shall be able to work afterwords? :-))
> Andreas

Thanks a lot.

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