SV: add icons to project

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Dec 12 14:14:12 GMT 2004

On 12.Dec 2004 - 14:03:00, Rolf Thunbo wrote:
> make a prefix in kdevelop, which then in the would look like
> mypicsdir = $(kde_datadir)/appname/pics
> and then ad target in the subproject where made the prefix, and then choose Data file in the dialog
> and the prefix just selected.
> Then you can add the icons needed to the newly created target, and can use them by using statements like

Thanks for your help, but:

This doesn't work. I can only choose between bin/sbin and noinst as
prefix nothing else for primary target "data". If I choose bin, I get
bin_DATA in the which makes automake error out with
"invalid variable `bin_DATA`".

> UserIcon("iconname", KIcon::DefaultState, appinstance)

I assume UserIcon would be an instance of KIcon right? (Yes I'm pretty
new to the whole KDE-Development and I could only find very little
documentation about this :-( )


Stay the curse.

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