KDevelop Setup and Makefiles with Gideon

Paul Scott pslist at ultrasw.com
Fri Jan 3 17:52:42 GMT 2003

Caleb Tennis wrote:

>Sorry the attachment didn't come through.  I also had intended to send it
>directly to you, but my webmail client.
I think you know I have it now from whatever web site it was placed on. 

>There is a KDevelop manual that ships with Gideon; it's through the
>KHelpCenter, but it is listed under KDevelop 3.0.  The best way to find it
>is after starting the KHelpCenter, select "Applications", then "Development"
>and it should be listed. 
When I go there I get the same KDE manual but nothing about KDevelop.

> Depending on what package you have
>(alpha1,alpha2,or cvs) will depend on how (in)complete it is.  You can also
>view it through the web site (I'm trying to keep it all synced) at
That's the 1.1 manual revised by/
Ralf Nolden <Ralf.Nolden at post.rwth-aachen.de> 
<mailto:Ralf.Nolden at post.rwth-aachen.de>The KDevelop Team /
/Version 2.2 , July 29,1999
I was speaking of above.

>>I had KDevelop Setup when I had 2.1.4 which the manual refers to when
>>describing how the App wizard gets a makefile but my installation of
>>gideon has no KDevelop Setup or Gideon Setup that I can find.  If it is
>>Configure Gideon under Options I don't see where to set the makefile.
>>Settings->Configure Gideon
Been there several times and don't see a place to configure make.

>>Now after a little playing around with a couple of simple projects one
>>of which was converted by kdevprj2pdevelop gideon won't close after
>>being opened from the KDE menu.
>This was a bug until about 3 days ago.  I fixed it in CVS.
>>I am running Gideon 2.99 from Ralf Nolden on KDE 3.1.0 (RC5) on Debian
>Ralf will be packaging a new Gideon up for us hopefully by Monday.  Keep
>your eye out, as a ton of bugs have been fixed.
Great!  I just installed his (3.0.99+cvs20030103-0woody1) KDE version as 
I was writing this.

Thanks very much,


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