Red Hat bugs...

Ralph Mack ralphmack at
Sat Nov 2 05:16:41 GMT 2002

Uh-oh... The code from CVS requires Qt 3.1.0 rather than 3.0.5 in order 
to pass configure checks.

Red Hat 8.0 has KDevelop 2.1.3 built against KDE 3.0.3-8 and it doesn't 
say which version of Qt was used.
What's the best way to build something I can debug without affecting 
the as-installed system by updating
the Qt version on it? Is there another CVS tag I should use?


On Friday, Nov 1, 2002, at 18:36 US/Eastern, Ralph Mack wrote:

> Hello, all,
> I'm trying to use KDevelop on Red Hat and running into about the same 
> bug everybody else is.
> So I figured the weekend is coming up and how hard can it be and 
> grabbed the KDE_2_2_BRANCH
> according to the instructions on the web site. It is building now.
> I don't want to deploy it over my existing stuff. Instead I'd like to 
> run it where it is built.
> I figure I'll verify that the problems happen with the 
> built-from-source version as well as the
> installed-from-RPM-during-upgrade version and then proceed to use the 
> installed version to debug
> the problem in the built-from-source version, using one of my own 
> projects with a judiciously
> inserted bug as the guinea pig.
> 1. How do I run the new KDevelop from its own tree? Is it as simple as 
> going to the executable
>    directory and executing it or do I have to set some environment 
> variables?
> 2. Can I debug in the way I've outlined? Can I use one KDevelop to 
> debug another as it operates
>    on my own code?
> Thanks,
> Ralph
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