Urgent help needed: How to import an project

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at blackie.dk
Sat Oct 6 16:25:34 BST 2001

Anno v.Heimburg <anno at vonheimburg.de> writes:

| Am Saturday 06 October 2001 16:56 schrieben Sie:
| > Hi.
| > I'm giving a presentation next week, where I will talk about KDevelop, but
| > I have some problems getting started.
| >
| > The point is that I want to import an existing project into KDevelop. The
| > project consists of a number of C++ files and header files, and is compiled
| > using a Makefile.
| >
| > How do I get around importing this into KDevelop without creating a
| > Makefile.am first, and without KDevelop copies all the files to a new
| > directory?
| In kdevelop, do project->generate project file. Select the directory your 
| existing project is in. kdevelop will create an appropriate project file in 
| that directory. After that you can open the project by doing project->open 
| project and choosing the project file you just created.
Ahh OK. Thanks.
I got so confused by the project not being opened when I did the create
project file.

Thanks again-

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