bug on using breakpoints+debugger

Eric Klumpp eric.klumpp at emailforever.com
Mon May 14 01:00:23 BST 2001


In my 3 last mails I have asked someone to explain the problem I have 
with the conversion from a string to a double.
Finally, the problem comes from the breakpoints. Here is the tests I 
have made to make this conclusion :

I have repeated 5 times the line `num=atof("1");' in my code, then I 
have put a breakpoint at one line, and run the program. Wherever I put 
the breakpoint, when the debugger stop at the breakpoint, the lines 
before the breakpoint have put the good value in num. But if I do just 
one "step over instr.", the line of the breakpoint put "-NaN" in num. 
And if I redo one step, the next line put the good value in num.

Then I tried the same thing by changing each line by 
`sscanf("1","%lf",&num);'. I have the same result, except the fact that, 
when "-NaN" is put in num by the line of the breakpoint, the next lines 
doesn't return the good value.

Then I have tried the same things by puting a breakpoint at the line 2 
and 3 but I have use the "run all" insteed of "step over instr.". I have 
exactly the same results.

My conclusion is that when teh debugger stop at a breakpoint, it 
disturbs the well working of the conversion from a string to a double at 
least on the line of the breakpoint.
If it disturbs other processes it is a great bug of the 
debugger+breakpoint procedure !

Happy to help the developpers of KDevelop !


PS : I have forgotten to indicate my configuration. I use the packages 
given by the Mandrake 8.0 : KDE 2.1.1, KDevelop 1.4.1, ...


Eric Klumpp
email : eric.klumpp at emailforever.com         / ^   - \
                                            ( (o) (o) )        

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La pratique, c'est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi.
Ici, nous avons réuni théorie et pratique : 
   Rien ne fonctionne... et personne ne sait pourquoi!"
             -- Albert Einstein--

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