Searching in documentation with htdig (ht://Dig) produces the error 'htsearch detected an error'
Moritz Franosch
jfranosc at
Fri Mar 2 13:23:46 GMT 2001
I use kdevelop 1.4 of KDE 2.1 (compiled from sources on SuSE 7.1).
Searching in the documentation with htdig does not work here (htdig
reports an error). Htdig version is 3.1.5.
The error can be reproduced as follows:
- execute kdevelop
- go through the setup procedure with default values (I only pointed to
the sources of kdelibs)
- choose Edit->Search from the menu
- type 'aaaa', click search
- the error
Content-type: text/html ht://Dig error
htsearch detected an error. Please report this to the webmaster of
this site. The error message is:
Unable to read configuration file 'format=&matchesperpage=30&words=aaaa'
is displayed
If you need more debugging information please mail.
Thank you in advance,
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