Fwd: TOC files for Gideon

Sandy Meier smeier at kdevelop.org
Fri Jun 29 11:26:30 BST 2001

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Subject: TOC files for Gideon
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 19:41:33 +0300
From: Claudiu Costin <claudiuc at work.ro>
To: smeier at kdevelop.org

Gideon (aka KDevelop 3.0) have Books that which need filled with
books PHP, KDE, QT etc. At this moment only GNU LIBC HTML files
are provided, but no TOC file (and XML file for visualize section,
 subsections from documentation).

  For all which want to read Qt docs, KDE 2 Development book,
LIBC docs, PHP docs from KDevelop please download a bunch
of Perl scripts and generate your ones or use these provided be me.

  Please visit:

There are files:
make-toc.tar.gz  - Perl scripts
kde2book.tar.bz2  - KDE 2.0 Development Book in HTML
libc.tar.bz2           - GNU LIBC in HTML (from kdevelop CVS :)
php.tar.bz2           - PHP 4.0.4 docs in HTML (you can
download PHP 4.0.5 docs from http://www.php.net and generate your TOC file)

Qt HTML docs are not provided (because you have it by default)

Soon I'll put on ftp  Perl scripts for generating TOC files for MySQL HTML
docs and KDE libs.

Please install *.toc files in:

and HTML docs in:

- -- 
The question is not, can they reason? nor,can they talk? 
but, can they suffer? (Jeremy Bentham)
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