Problems installing and running Gideon

Bernd Gehrmann bernd at
Wed Jun 13 21:28:16 BST 2001

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Marcus Gruendler wrote:
> Wow, that's a good idea. This brings me to another idea. When you develop in 
> C++ and use C++-strings or other template based classes, you  often get 
> nearly unreadable compiler error messages when there is an error in a 
> function that uses such a class. Since the whole template of for example a 
> std::string is expanded and you get very very long typenames in the error 
> message such as:
> basic_string<char,string_char_traits<char>,__default_alloc_template<true,0> > 

That's probably the reason why I prefer Qt's collection classes over the
STL although the STL is far more powerful :-)

We once thought (optionally) filtering the whole compiler output so that
redundant and (usually) unimport stuff like the libtool command line and
the host of compiler options used by KDE is hidden and only the relevant
information shown. This would go into the same direction. It would
probably need some thought how to implement is reliably.


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