MsgBox problem

Rene Maerten delta_x at
Wed Nov 29 22:05:53 GMT 2000

A Messagebox is a Dialogwidget, which called Modal, this means, 
your program is waiting for Closing the Messagebox, and after it, your Slot-Routine will be called.

Am Mittwoch, 29. November 2000 14:21 schrieben Sie:
> Hi,
> if I am not allowed to ask the following question on this list, please tell
> me where better to post it. Thanks.
> Ok,
> the problem I have is as follows:
> I have a kdevelop project for KDE 1.2, and the following code fraction
> (which is connected to a QTimer) gives me a mysterious problem:
> void CLASSNAME::slotDoWhat() {
> ....
> ....
> 	for(i=0; i<imax; i++) {
> 		if(finExp.eof()) {
> 		    	SERR="unexpected end of file!";
> 			KMsgBox::message(0,"caption","SERR",KMsgBox::EXCLAMATION);
> 			slotStopWhat(); // this stops the qtimer as well
> 			return;
> 		}
> 		finExp.getline(s, 200);
> 		...
> 		...
> 	}
> }
> Now, whenever the MessageBox pops up (at eof()), the slotStopWhat() is NOT
> called, instead, the program directly enters the slotDoWhat() again!!!
> Strange enough, if I e.g. put the call to slotStopWhat() as first
> instruction inside the if() statement, the program works as expected.
> What did I not understand?
> Thanks,
> Oli
> -
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Kind Regards Rene Märten
  E-Mail: 	Delta_x at
  Business: 	rmaerte1 at

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