Creating new dialog with dialog editor fails
Oliver Sbanski
sbanski at
Tue Nov 28 08:16:59 GMT 2000
Stupid me... I just did not select the right file type in the "new file" -
dialog when trying to create a new dialog, and per default only a header file
is added to the project. I should have realized it, but I think it is
counter-intuitive; I think "kdevdlg" should be preselected in the list when
you choose "add new dialog" with the RMB in the dialog editor.
On Monday 27 November 2000 18:43, you wrote:
> This problem I have with kdevelop20001127 and older ones (I just tried
> kdevelop20001027 and kdevelop20001116) under kde 2 (Suse 7.0):
> I work with an existing project and want to add a new dialog with the
> integrated dialog editor.
> There, on the left side, I see a tree view of all dialogs in this project..
> I press the RMB and choose "new dialog". Kdevelop asks for a name and after
> pressing OK nothing happens - no new dialog appears for me editing it. When
> I examine the directory, I find a new header file and thats about it.. In
> the .kdevprj file there is also only a new header file inserted, not the
> complete dialog.
> I can work around this by copying an existing dialog, sources and the
> entries in the .kdevprj file, renaming it and then, in the dialog editor,
> choosing "generate complete sources" (from which I never knew what it does
> actually).
> But I really would like to know what is broken here.
> Regards,
> Oli
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Dipl. Phys. Oliver Sbanski
Institut für Physikalische Chemie | phone: +49 931 888-6334
Universität Würzburg | fax : +49 931 888-6341
Am Hubland |
97074 Würzburg | sbanski at
Germany | sbanski at
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