Creating new dialog with dialog editor fails

Oliver Sbanski sbanski at
Mon Nov 27 17:43:25 GMT 2000

This problem I have with kdevelop20001127 and older ones (I just tried 
kdevelop20001027 and kdevelop20001116) under kde 2 (Suse 7.0):
I work with an existing project and want to add a new dialog with the 
integrated dialog editor.
There, on the left side, I see a tree view of all dialogs in this project. I 
press the RMB and choose "new dialog". Kdevelop asks for a name and after 
pressing OK nothing happens - no new dialog appears for me editing it.
When I examine the directory, I find a new header file and thats about it. In 
the .kdevprj file there is also only a new header file inserted, not the 
complete dialog.
I can work around this by copying an existing dialog, sources and the entries 
in the .kdevprj file, renaming it and then, in the dialog editor, choosing 
"generate complete sources" (from which I never knew what it does actually).

But I really would like to know what is broken here.



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