Bug in "make distribution" ?

Torsten Evers tevers at t-online.de
Sat Feb 19 11:55:02 GMT 2000

Ralf Nolden wrote:
> Torsten Evers wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > is it possible that there is a bug in the "make distribution tgz"
> > function of KDevelop 1.0 and 1.1beta2 ?
> > It works for me with C and C++ projects but not with QT/KDE projects.
> > The error message occurs when reaching the makefiles in the po
> > subdirectory of the project. It says:
Hello, Ralf !

> > gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/apps/develop/kisdnmon/kisdnmon'
> > gmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `kisdnmon.pot', needed by
> > `distdir'.  Stop.
> You need to call "Project->make Messages" so the pot file is created.
I did so an this was the result:
/usr/bin/xgettext -C -ki18n -x /usr/include/kde.pot `find . -name \*.h
-o -name \*.cpp -o -name \*.cc` -o ../po/test3.pot 
Öffnen der Datei »/usr/include/kde.pot« zum Lesen fehlgeschlagen: Datei
oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
gmake: *** [messages] Error 1
*** Fehler ***

So I did a search after the kde.pot and found it in
Because I did not found a setting for the position of this file I
changed the position of the file in all project files I found it in.
After invoking "make messages" the process completed ok. Also the make
of the distribution file worked.

Now my question: Where can I edit the position of the kde.pot file so
that newly generated projects use the right path ?

> You should have an error message in the output window of kdevelop if you
> created a project, because the pot file is created directly after the
> appwizard was quitted. If you can´t make the pot file (because of that
> error) you need to install xgettext, which you can find in SuSe in
> package gettext.
gettext seems to be installed ok here (RedHat 6.1).
> Hope this helps,
Yes, thank you.

* Torsten Evers                           tevers at t-online.de *
* ---   All messages generated on Linux 2.2.13 system    --- *

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