Mandrake 7.0 WARNING [was: new kdevelop-1.1beta1 & 2]

Florent Pillet florent.pillet at
Tue Feb 1 08:45:27 GMT 2000

Serge Lussier wrote:

> Hi,  ( I hope this message is not in HTML ...)
> sorry for my english.
> I just compiled & installed kdevelop-1.1beta2  ( ./configure
> --prefix=/usr etc...) on my Mandrake 7.0 system.
> everythings went fine especially the <integrated kdbg> compilation which
> I want to point.
> I 've started kdevelop and jumped to the new project app wizard.
> ...compiled ok.
> Then, I wanted to make my hands on the new integrated debugger.
> ERR... It seems that there is no debugger at all, even if the icons and
> debugger menu showed up
> telling me that the debuger is running. There was no "debuger swallow
> window," no variables browser etc...

Ok all, this is a bug I already hit so I can help you on this: this
from Mandrake 7.0. For whatever reason, they compiled a strange GDB
carries a date instead of a version number. I guess that this may be an
internal build that should not have made it to the final release.

In order to get the debugger back in KDevelop, you must recompile GDB
from the sources. I did not explore the problem in detailn, but just
recompiling GDB worked for me.

Hope this helps,

Florent Pillet, Software Architect. e-mail: florent.pillet at
opt[e]way S.A., BP 37, 80 route des Lucioles, ACTE Immeuble Delta
06901 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
Phone: +33 4 93 95 66 51 - Fax: +33 4 93 95 66 52 -

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