V2.0 feature suggestion

Thomas Regner tomte at subdimension.com
Wed Aug 23 11:43:45 BST 2000


On Mit, 23 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Why not make it possible
> to change the tone of the white background of the editor to
> a shade of one color? Assume I want to mark line 200-210,
> with a couple of keypresses, I could mark these lines, and
> have the normally white background have a *slight* shade
> of blue, red, green or whatever.. 

I like the idea of a slightly colored background to mark specific code 
segments, I assume that this would be handy during coding.

but IMHO it would be a nearly useless feature, if it´s not permanent (maybe 
as an option).

Do you like it?
Is it possible at all?




| Thomas Regner                |
| Noltestrasse 22              |
| 30451 Hannover               |
| Tel.: +49 511 21349817       |
| E.:   tomte at subdimension.com |
| ICQ:  54670023               |

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