SOLUTION: bug in tool

Bernd Gehrmann bernd at
Thu Sep 9 21:32:41 BST 1999

On Thu, 09 Sep 1999 W. Tasin wrote:
>In the generation-process of the rpm a temporary directory will be used
>to easily get the whole list of files to be included in the
>see "BuildRoot: /tmp/rpmbuild_kdevelop"  and 
>    "./configure --install-with-root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"

Sigh. I've explained on various occasions and a long time ago
that this is the wrong way to configure. --with-install-root 
is obsolete for months and is replaced with the 'make
DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT' mechanism. I've told that the rpm 
maintainers. If they still have a problem, why don't they ask? 
I don't know :-(


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