This file management bug still sucks like hell

Oliver Eichler oliver.eichler at
Tue Oct 19 21:03:45 BST 1999

> No file duplication, no other problems. I was using the same snapshot. So 
> in order to rope the problem in, maybe you can provide a better description 
> of how to reproduce it.


I do nothing special:

system: SuSE 6.1, own compiled QT1.44, own compiled KDE 1.1.2
same on
system SuSE6.0 with SuSE QT/KDE

*I open a new project, c++ console only.
*project path is /home/oeichler/dateien/code/cplusplus/debugger/app1
*project name is app1

That´s it. Producing an error in main() and double clicking on the error will
open a second view of main.cpp. The 2nd  view appears in the window list.
Removing the error will only change one view, leaving you uncertain whether the
change did apply or not. 

As I do not uninstall Kdevelop before I update, could it be possible that I use
old modules instead of replacing them with the new ones?


Sorry if the first mail sounds a bit harsh. But I was struggling with a
template problem for two hours getting more and more annoyed by this bug. Would
have been better to sleep over it a night.

Oliver Eichler

DSP Solutions
Ingenieure Kellermann, Hoepfel, Voigt, Eichler, Weidner

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