Suggestions...yep more of them :-)

Ansley, Michael Michael.Ansley at
Thu Aug 19 09:16:40 BST 1999

>> 1. Plugin Sctructure (sic)
>> Does KDevelop have a standard plugin spec. After the talk of 
>> UML integration, I
>> think it would be a good idea :-)
This is crucial also for things like source control, and various third-party
tools that could be built in (ctags, etags).  In fact, the class browser
should be an add-in.  The basic program should probably just be an editor
(without syntax highlighting or anything fancy), with a good plug-in
interface that allows us to add in the required functionality that we want.

>> 3. More Widget Support In The Dialog Editor
>> Would it be possible for more widgets to be accessable from 
>> within the dialog
>> editor.
>> 4.More Visual Development Model
>> It would be nice if that when you are within the Dialog 
>> Editor, you could have
>> similer system working with Visual Basic, whereby you can 
>> click on a widget
>> (eg. button) and you could edit the code for that widget, 
>> and also select
>> predefined signels/slots to be used. This could certainly 
>> take the headache out
>> of coding.
These two are linked.  We need to propose a component model to allow for the
design-time control of the widgets.  From what I have seen, there isn't one
yet.  Widgets have various modes, and we need to ability to programmatically
control them in various states.  A good example of a framework of this kind
is Delphi's VCL model.  This model creates interfaces on widgets that allows
them to be manipulated by (and respond to) a design-time environemnt.  We
have one advantage over Delphi: multiple inheritance.  This means that, once
we have a good interface, we can take an control we want, and wrap it up in
our interface.  Obviously, the topic is a lot more complicated than this,
but again, the plug-in architecture becomes important, because that would be
the prime way to implement this.  Plug-ins also allow certain features to be
developed without affecting other areas of the project, because they are
physically, not just logically separate.



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