KDELIB documentation

Massimo Morin mmorin at schedsys.com
Thu Aug 5 17:54:32 BST 1999

for gettext


derek_mason at smtpgw.liebert.com wrote:
>      Hi all,
>      Having got the Beta 1 sources and compiled it all to a working system
>      on SuSe 6.1 (KDE1.1) I find a couple of niggles.
>      1) KDevelop seems to need Xgettext which I don't have, cant seem to
>         find it either in the distribution or on the 'net
>      2) Same for Ksgml2html
>      3) Although I can read the Qt lib docs in the browser, and the C/C++
>         docs, the KDElibs doesn't seem to work.  It seems to want some docs
>         at ~/.kde/share/apps/KDevelop/KDE-Documentation/kdecore
>         A quick look sugests that it's looking for a index.html file there.
>         I tried installing the srcdoc.tar.gz (or similar filename) with all
>         its directories and files at that location and then pointed the
>         configuration browser at it but it simply reports that "The KDElibs
>         are not present"
>      Everything else appears to fine tho'
>      Any ideas anyone?
>      regards,
>      dm v2.5

Massimo Morin                                .'
mmorin at schedsys.com                        .'
+1 (617) 623-4155                        .'
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      `   `;'-.-'         '-    ._     Scheduling Systems Inc.
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