KDELIB documentation

derek_mason at smtpgw.liebert.com derek_mason at smtpgw.liebert.com
Thu Aug 5 20:22:10 BST 1999

     Hi all,
     Having got the Beta 1 sources and compiled it all to a working system 
     on SuSe 6.1 (KDE1.1) I find a couple of niggles.
     1) KDevelop seems to need Xgettext which I don't have, cant seem to    
        find it either in the distribution or on the 'net
     2) Same for Ksgml2html
     3) Although I can read the Qt lib docs in the browser, and the C/C++   
        docs, the KDElibs doesn't seem to work.  It seems to want some docs 
        at ~/.kde/share/apps/KDevelop/KDE-Documentation/kdecore
        A quick look sugests that it's looking for a index.html file there.
        I tried installing the srcdoc.tar.gz (or similar filename) with all 
        its directories and files at that location and then pointed the     
        configuration browser at it but it simply reports that "The KDElibs 
        are not present" 
     Everything else appears to fine tho'
     Any ideas anyone?
     dm v2.5

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