Creating Language Plugin not used for new language

Roland Plüss roland at
Mon Jul 23 00:26:54 BST 2018

So... I managed now to get the Lexer (Flex) and the grammar
(Kdevelop-PG-Qt) to work properly. Now I've got to tackle the DUChain
building stuff. Is there some kind of documentation or information
around on how this works? I've seen a bit something around the internet
but it's not much. From what I gather it's a kind of tree-like nested
structure of contexts. These context, they are things like an if-else
block or more fine grained? It seems to me to be more fine grained but
I'm not sure. A bit of starting help there would be nice. I seem to be
close I guess :D

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Plüss Roland

Leader und Head Programmer
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