Creating Language Plugin not used for new language

Roland Plüss roland at
Mon Jul 16 18:27:21 BST 2018

So I take it then this is not supposed to be the usual way to do the
parser? From the look of it I though this is how it should be.

Anyways I figured out the problem. It had been actually the generated
DebugVisitor which threw me off. From the doc it is stated the incoming
QByteArray is UTF8. So I handled it like this. Problem now is that
DebugVIsitor expects a QString not a QByteArray which becomes a mess if
the source is actually UTF8. I got it working like this:

DebugVisitor( pLexer, QString::fromLatin1( pContents ) ).visitStart(
dspAst );

This is only for debuging and will show unicode as 2 characters instead
of 1 but it fixes the offset issue.

On 07/16/2018 06:59 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Am Montag, 16. Juli 2018, 18:40:07 CEST schrieb Roland Plüss:
>> I tried now getting this Lexer and some simple rules working using
>> KDevelop-PG-QT. I'm struggling hard with it since the documentation is
>> there but lacking in the details required to get it sucessfully implemented.
> If possible, please consider updating those docs you use where it fits. The 
> original authors of KDevelop-PG-QT are no longer around unless I am mistaken, 
> any recent activity on the code has been pure Qt5 porting and buildsystem 
> maintenance.
>> My main problem right now seems to be UTF8. I'm using a simple
>> test-script consisting of the typical header-GPL-notice, some empty
>> lines and one declaration line. The problem is that the
>> header-GPL-notice contains my name, and thus a UTF8 only character. The
>> Lexer seems to be thrown off my one character there resulting in the
>> lexing not working correctly. I have no clue though how I can fix this.
> Myself sadly has never even tried to write something using KDevelop-PG-QT, 
> only twisted some code in it itself to more modern code style. I can just 
> point to the two places still existing I know which make use of kdev-pg-qt:
> though I suspect you already found those.
> And hope somebody else is still on the mailinglist which has some deeper 
> insight and can help you here.
> No idea if is 
> still relevant, but it has some comments about %input_encoding , just in case 
> you had really not seen that yet.
> Cheers
> Friedrich

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Plüss Roland

Leader und Head Programmer
- Game: Epsylon ( )
- Game Engine: Drag[en]gine (
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- Sowie verschiedene Blender Export-Skripts und Game-Tools

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