menubar visibility and kdevelopui.rc

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at
Mon Jun 20 13:25:28 UTC 2016


are you aware that with "resurrecting" the X11 backend on Mac you double the required testing
for any frameworks application on Mac?


----- Am 20. Jun 2016 um 10:32 schrieb René J. V. Bertin rjvbertin at

> Hi,
> Some of you know that I use Qt's Xcb platform plugin for testing on OS X, and so
> I start KDevelop in "X11 mode" with a certain regularity. I have thus patched
> main.cpp so that it doesn't use the Mac native menubar with the Xcb QPA so that
> I have access to the menubar.
> That works but not very reliably; it seems to be coupled to the kdevelopui.rc
> file cached in ~/.local/share . Does KDevelop have a hidden feature to (un)hide
> the menubar?
> Additionally I noticed that if ~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/kdevelop/kdevelopui.rc
> doesn't exist, it is copied from ~/.kde/share/apps/kdevelop/kdevelopui.rc
> which is quite different than the file shipped with KDevelop5 .
> R.
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