KDev Plugin Status

John5342 john5342 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 21:16:01 UTC 2014

Has anyone put any consideration into collecting the status of the various

I have used a few plugins such as kdev-python and kdev-custombuildsystem
(before it was merged) but, aside from kdev-python which was mentioned on
list, i only really discovered them indirectly by browsing quickgit.
Looking through them i notice some have had virtually zero activity for
some time and others seem quite active but it is not clear which ones are
supposed to be stable(ish), experiments or even whether they are supposed
to build. Keeping plugins as something to be stumbled on by end users
reduces users for plugins that are mostly stable, testers/reporters for
ones that are mostly working and contributors for ones that are active but
still need real work.

So in short it would be great to see a place (a wiki page?) listing the
plugins, description, current status (and last updated date) and optionally
a bugzilla link for bugs and task list for possible contributors. Hopefully
all maintained by the owner of each plugin.

Apologies in advance if this already exists but i missed it.

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those who don't...
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