Assistant Improvements

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Mon Nov 12 01:45:38 UTC 2012

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 12:16 AM, Milian Wolff <milian.wolff at>wrote:

> Hey all,
> I've just changed the assistant somewhat, esp. to reduce the amount of
> space
> required when you are e.g. inside something like KDevelop::VeryLongClass.
> Before, the assistant showed that identifier three times, now it's only
> shown
> once, i.e., before:
> *declare 'int i' as:* | 1 *local* variable | 2 *private* variable in
> Foo::Bar
> | 3 *protected* variable in Foo::Bar | 4 *public* variable in Foo::Bar | 0
> Hide
> now:
> *declare 'int i' as:* | 1 *local* variable | member of Foo::Bar | 2
> *private*
> | 3 *protected* | 4 *public*| 0 Hide
> How do you like it? Imo it's much better than before but still not
> optimal. At
> least now we end up less often in the state where the assistant is "cut" to
> the width of the text area view.
> I'll look into the latter as well now.
> Cheers
> --
> Milian Wolff | milian.wolff at | Software Engineer
> KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH&Co KG, a KDAB Group company
> Tel. Germany +49-30-521325470, Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
> KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions
> --
> KDevelop-devel mailing list
> KDevelop-devel at

Sounds good to me, although I'll better tell when I get to try it.

BTW, there's a review request on that regard no?

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