source formatting: what is supposed to be automatic now?

David Nolden david.nolden.kdevelop at
Mon Nov 28 10:37:06 UTC 2011

2011/11/28 Vladimir Prus <ghost at>:
> So, you suggest I somehow add those files locally, and keep them locally,
> and remember
> to copy them over whenever I work on new branch/tree/checkout? Seems very
> hard to get
> right.

A simple "git ignore format_sources" should do.

> How comes that in Emacs, I can say "for everything under ~/Work/GDB, just
> use gnu style",
> and it's not possible in KDevelop, which presumably should be more advanced
> piece of
> software?

You can say that, you just need to write a simple file with some
wildcards. At least the file _can_ be copied-over easily, unlike
random GUI options in eclipse or emacs. Btw. nobody forces you to use

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