KDevelop website

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at ida.ing.tu-bs.de
Sun Apr 3 13:40:32 UTC 2011

Hi all,

Sorry for my absence, but I had lots of things going in my personal life 
in the last months so ...

As far as I know Sandy only repplies very sporadicaly to mails.
The last couple of times I had issues with the webserver Jens was the 
one who helped me.

I would realy like if we could transfer the domain to KDE e.V. and host 
the new page at
www.kdevelop.org and the old page at legacy.kdevelop.org

Is that possible jens ? Could fara keep the hosting for a while longer ?

I do not think that a move to a diferent URL ( 
http://kdevelop.kollide.net/ )
  is a good idea. I think it is better to keed the old one www.kdevelop.org


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