disable certain plugins

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Sep 10 20:46:15 UTC 2010

On 10.09.10 18:30:07, Julian Bäume wrote:
> On Friday 10 September 2010 18:11:46 Julian Bäume wrote:
> > The
> > Shell::DocumentationController::documentationProviders() uses
> > IPluginController::allPluginsForExtension() to find all documentation
> > providers. IMHO it should only query all loaded plugins for the
> > IDocumentationProvider interface.
> Mhh, may be it’s not that easy. The controller should be aware of all 
> available documentation providers. But the DocumentView should probably not 
> show them in the list. I’m not sure any longer how this should be adressed. 

No, if a plugin is deselected (either by default or manually) this
plugin must not be loaded, no matter what (the code that tries to load
plugins needs to be able to handle that case). 

That being said, PluginController API that provides plugins (as
extension, IPlugin instance or lists thereof) must not provide plugins
that are disabled. I thought there was a check in loadPlugin to verify
that the plugin to be loaded is enabled, but maybe I was wrong. Either
that or the logic in initialize does have a flaw somewhere.


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