KDevelop's Kate menu restructurization and KTextEditor plugins

David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 12 13:52:04 UTC 2010

2010/10/11 Alexander Dymo <alexander.dymo at gmail.com>:
> Well, could be possible but only if you have a way to query for texteditor
> plugins,
> have custom uirc files and call replaceXMLFile() on those plugins.
> PS: you'd better not do manual processing other than replaceXMLFile().
> We had that before and it was too slow to be useful
> (and not that our view switching is super-fast as it is now)

There must be some solution that works for every plugin. We cannot
have special-handling in KDevelop for each kate plugin.. also, the
restructuring should somewhat work for other editor-parts than kate
(for example okteta or something like that). Maybe we can use the old
mechanism for everything that is not covered by replaceXMLFile(). It
should be pretty fast if it only applies to few actions. Also, did you
do some profiling to find out _why_ it was so slow? Maybe it was

Greetings, David

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