Memory usage when opening Linux Kernel in KDevelop

Milian Wolff mail at
Sat Nov 20 23:02:13 UTC 2010

On Saturday 20 November 2010 23:33:57 David Nolden wrote:
> I don't remember anything about rxx::allocator, i guess its just the
> default for C++.

For the cpplang plugin? But the question is *why*, really - to me it looks 
like one of Robertos "I write my own allocator" - "Why?" - "Because I can!" 
moments... I'll send him a mail asking him for the reasons.

> About monster buckets: Normally a bucket has a size of 64kb, but when an
> item is allocated that is larger than that, a "monster bucket" is
> allocated, which spans the space of multiple buckets.

Thanks, I've added the ApiDox now.

Milian Wolff
mail at
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