move playground kdevelop4-extra-plugins to git

Niko Sams niko.sams at
Fri May 7 20:02:06 UTC 2010

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 21:16, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
> On 07.05.10 20:19:03, Niko Sams wrote:
>> On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 16:57, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
>> > On 07.05.10 16:26:15, Niko Sams wrote:
>> >> I want to move the plugins I work on (+ possibly others) to gitorious.
>> >> What project / repository layout should I use?
>> >
>> > When we discussed this back in the thread about the layout of the main
>> > repositories the agreement was to have a separate project+repo for each
>> > plugin.
>> You still think that's the best way to go? Then I will go that way.
> I don't really know :) For maintained plugins it may well be that a
> "grouping" project would be good so users have an easier way of finding
> them... OTOH I think we said that the place for maintained stuff is
> inside of an existing repo or in the kdevelop project. (I'll dig out the
> thread later)
Yes, maintained, released stuff should be in the kdevelop project.
(either as separate repo
as php is, or inside kdevelop/quanta repo)

Grouping Unstable, WIP plugins in one project makes it hard for 3rd
party developers to create plugins, having individual project would
allow anyone to start a new plugin - as currently in playground.
But I still would group together executescrpt, executebrowser, xdebug
and crossfire into one project.


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