Project layout on

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Mar 31 06:59:33 UTC 2010

On 31.03.10 08:40:09, Niko Sams wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 23:47, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
> > However I do think that if its split it should come with all
> > the plugins that belong to webdevelopment, i.e. also move php stuff
> > there. Which would make it harder (until Quanta is released) for people
> > to gather everything necessary for web development.
> That is a good argument.
> Let's do it that way.

Ok, so just to make it clear: thats quanta+php+php-docs+upload and
whatever you want from playground?

> One thing: how should the plugin repositories (eg. php) be named?
> The name should somehow be kdevelop/quanta independent as it works for both.
> just php? language-php? plugin-php? php-plugin?

I'd just go for php or kdevplatform-php which would indicate more
clearly that its a kdevplatform plugin. 


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