Project layout on

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Mar 31 09:22:20 UTC 2010

On 31.03.10 09:56:10, Alexander Dymo wrote:
> > One thing: how should the plugin repositories (eg. php) be named?
> > The name should somehow be kdevelop/quanta independent as it works for
> > both. just php? language-php? plugin-php? php-plugin?
> That's why I'm all for just one KDevelop project. It's easy to ship two 
> products from one project (just pick a shell, plugins and you're done). But 
> it's not easy to decide which plugin should go to which project. php is not 
> the only example. I'd like Ruby eventually somewhere near official plugins... 
> and it would make some sense to ship it with Quanta, but I want it still to be 
> treated as a KDevelop plugin.

I've had the same concerns about executescript which python plugin would
probably like to have available. But python doesn't really fit into
webdevelopment (at least not for all people using python).


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