Problems with new session support

David Nolden zwabel at
Thu Jan 28 00:50:28 UTC 2010

Am Donnerstag 28 Januar 2010 01:35:50 schrieb Olivier J. G.:
> > I think a more complex management menu as proposed by Olivier as
> > alternative to the dialog would be ok as well, but only as 'additional'
> > structure, for example accessible through "Session -> Manage ->
> > SessionName -> [ Open Additionally | Delete | Rename ]", so that it
> > doesn't make simple switching slower.
> Hrm... That would mean something like:
> -----------------
> Session
>     SessionWhatever
>     SessionWhatever2
>     SessionWhatever3
>     Manage
>         SessionWhatever
>             etc
>         SessionWhatever2
>             etc
>         SessionWhatever2
>             etc
> -----------------
> Would it really be such an issue to slow you down by only one submenu?
> It's not like session-switching is something you do constantly.
Well currently the session-list in the menu has an user-interface that 
resembles a very simple radio-button UI, which makes the thing quite 
intuitive. Such a structure would be more powerful, but apart from being 
slower, it would also be less intuitive to grasp at the beginning.

> On an unrelated note, it shouldn't be possible to open the same
> session twice... should it? Rather it could just focus the session if
> it's open.
Yes right.

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