Borked diffs created by vcsdiffjob

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Sep 5 08:08:30 UTC 2009

On 05.09.09 04:18:19, David Nolden wrote:
> At least for subversion, the diffs returned by the svn library seem to be 
> broken. The headers are at the end of the diff, rather than at the correct 
> positions within the diff.
> While making patch-review work with those patches, I had to write a 'repair' 
> function that moves those headers to the correct places, see repairDiff() in 
> vcspluginhelper.cpp. But that is not a good solution. So any Idea why the 
> diffs are borked like that?

I'll try to have a look during my car-trip today, can't imagine why that
would happen...


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