Moving controlflowgraph

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Nov 8 14:01:38 UTC 2009

On 08.11.09 14:43:57, Esben Mose Hansen wrote:
> On Saturday 07 November 2009 22:19:49 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > it seems like Sandro has no time currently to work on the controlflowgraph
> > plugin. Its still lying in kdereview but I don't know wether he changed the
> > things I mentioned (or wether it doesn't crash anymore - for me). Hence I'm
> > planning to move it back to playground by the end of the week. Unless
> > someone wants to "take it" and maintain it in kdevelop/kdevplatform.
> > 
> That would be a shame. I have now compiled it and it seems to work, so I will 
> find your comments and see if I can fix the issues reported. 

For me it simply crashed when I tried to open the toolview.

> Note that while the controlflowgraph worked with no issues, the dependent 
> kgraphviewpart did not, I had to fix a few lines of code for it to compile, and 
> apparently boost1.37 was not good enough but had to be upgraded to 1.40 (less 
> might have done it, of course).

Yeah, one problem ist that kgraphviewer has no release (afaik) and
another is that it needs a much newer graphviz than is available on my
system at least.

To include it we need at least a public kgraphviewer release that has
all the needed features. And it needs to be released before KDE 4.4.

Another option would be to simply start working towards a
extragear/kdevelop-plugins module where plugins that want to release can
be gathered.


Avoid gunfire in the bathroom tonight.

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