Moving controlflowgraph

Esben Mose Hansen kde at
Sun Nov 8 15:25:46 UTC 2009

On Sunday 08 November 2009 15:01:38 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >
> > That would be a shame. I have now compiled it and it seems to work, so I
> > will find your comments and see if I can fix the issues reported.
> For me it simply crashed when I tried to open the toolview.

We will have to see if we can reproduce that. Crashing is of course no good, 
but usually such is not too hard to fix once we can reproduce it.

> > Note that while the controlflowgraph worked with no issues, the dependent
> > kgraphviewpart did not, I had to fix a few lines of code for it to
> > compile, and apparently boost1.37 was not good enough but had to be
> > upgraded to 1.40 (less might have done it, of course).
> Yeah, one problem ist that kgraphviewer has no release (afaik) and
> another is that it needs a much newer graphviz than is available on my
> system at least.

2 lines of code changed fixed this for  me, see attached patch. It would be 
easy to make a a configure check that defined the missing function, if that is 

> To include it we need at least a public kgraphviewer release that has
> all the needed features. And it needs to be released before KDE 4.4.

Indeed. Any idea about how to go about this?

> Another option would be to simply start working towards a
> extragear/kdevelop-plugins module where plugins that want to release can
> be gathered.

Yep, this is very much an option.

Kind regards, Esben
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