kdevelop API documentation

Adriaan de Groot groot at kde.org
Wed May 13 23:45:38 UTC 2009

On Thursday 14 May 2009, Ramon Zarazua wrote:
> I just realized yesterday that even though the kdevplatform documentation
> is hosted on http://api.kde.org along with the rest of KDE documentation,
> the kdevelop documentation is not. It is hosted on kdevelop.org, and uses a
> wholly different format.

Is it supposed to be Doxygen style APIDOX? That is what api.kde.org hosts.

> I asked about this in IRC and was told that it was because the webmasters
> at api.kde.org have not provided some macros that the kdevelop
> documentation uses. 

I do not know which macros you speak of - I think we generally try to mess 
around as little as possible with the documentation generation and build only 
what is easy to get at. That said, I vaguely remember trying KDevelop 
documentation before, but my mail archives aren't that accurate, so I would 
need to be reminded what the specific problems are.

> Personally, I think that kdevplatform and kdevelop 
> documentation should be together, and following the same interface, since
> they are highly dependent modules.

I think that's a good idea, yes.

> So my question is: Are there any intentions of moving the kdevelop
> documentation to api.kde.org, or moving kdevplatform over to kdevelop.org?

None current that I know of. I can't really judge which would make the most 
sense (there may have been issues, too, with the KDE3-KDE4 transition; that 
shook up the DOX somewhat).

These are your friends - Adem
    GPG: FEA2 A3FE Adriaan de Groot
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