DVCS plugin interface

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Jun 21 21:50:04 UTC 2009

On 21.06.09 18:13:32, Hugo Parente Lima wrote:
> Btw, I think that a release of kdevelop4 is near and we dont have man power to 
> make kompare or kdiff3 like we want, so, a nice readonly view (using some 
> kpart) is better than a ugly readonly view (using kate).

I completely conquer the "ugly readonly view" == kate, IMHO a diff
viewied in kate is not ugly at all. However, I do agree that it could be
even nicer for people not used to reading diff's output :)

> I did something with kpart a long long time ago, maybe I can add this
> visualization if there are no objections.

Yes, would be nice to have komparepart if you can load it. Just make
sure to fall back to kate if you cannot load it as we don't want a
runtime dependency on kdesdk.


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