Script Launcher

Niko Sams niko.sams at
Sun Jul 26 18:39:50 UTC 2009

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 20:31, Andreas Pakulat<apaku at> wrote:
> On 26.07.09 19:04:24, Niko Sams wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to continue on the xdebug plugin and need a script launcher for that.
>> As Andreas wrote[1] some time ago I'd create a new plugin "ExecuteScript"
>> - a copy of the execute plugin - and add an interpreter setting there.
>> But this would copy a lot of code.
>> And is a new plugin needed at all?
>> The execute plugin is already capable of launching scripts - if you enter
>> the interpreter as executable and the script path as argument.
> I'd rather see the common code moved up into a library if there's really
> soo much to share.
Where should I move the ProjectItemLineEdit? kdevplatformproject?

> However I'm not quite sure about that, I don't think
> the build-deps stuff would be needed for a script as scripts are usually
> not built.
hmm, true.
Without that not much duplication ist left...

> Also you don't want gdb debugger for the debug mode of such
> scripts, same for the valgrind stuff. Also you want arguments for the
> script as well as the interpreter.
ok, I'll do it that way then.

where should I put this plugin?


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